5,500 students have seen, “To See Again”



The educational project “Teaching Memories” has finalized its first stage. Last September, more than 5,200 students of third, fourth, and fifth year of secondary schools attended our free screenings, which were done with the collaboration of the regional offices for education of Ayacucho and Huancavelica. For three weeks, our team managed to set up screenings in the districts of Huamanga, Sucre, Víctor Fajardo, Huanta, La Mar, and in the capital of the province of Ayacucho. We are very grateful for the enthusiasm of the teachers, administrators, and students who helped and attended the screenings and discussions.

San Cristóbal de Huamanga Public University
Luis Carranza School
Mariscal Caceres School
Nuestra Señora de Fátima School
Libertadores School
Jose Abelardo Quiñonez Gonzales School

Acos Vinchos
I.E Virgen del Carmen de Urpay
Mariscal Guillermo Miller School
Tambo Pacco Loma

San Miguel
9 de Diciembre School

Felipe Huamán Poma de Ayala School
Santo Domingo de Guzmán School
Manuel Gonzáles Prada School
Gustavo Mohme Llona School

Víctor Fajardo
Instituto Tecnológico Agronomía
Basilio Auqui Huaytalla

Ramón Castilla School
Micaela Bastidas School
COAR de Huancavelica School
Las Américas School
Francisco Diez Canseco School

Executive Production
Nómade Films
Judith Vélez
Jessenia Cristobal
Ayacucho coordination
Janeth Huamán
Huancavelica Coordination
Carlos Heaton.
Diego Vargas Acuña

Ysabel de la Cruz
Presidenta Comisión de Educación y Cultura CR
Ing. Víctor Belleza
Gerencia de Desarrollo Social GORE
UGEL Huamanga
UGEL Acos Vinchos
UGEL Sucre
UGEL Víctor Fajardo
UGEL San Miguel